Flourishing by Harriet Hill

Harriet Hill is an oil (and occasionally gouache) painter exploring themes of hope, flourishing, and laughter through non-representational art. See her solo show, Flourishing, at Art Work Gallery + Meeting Space in August 2024.

Opening Reception: 8/2/24 from 5:30-8:30 PM

Location: 213 Church Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460

August Gallery Hours

Fridays 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Saturdays 2:30-4:30 p.m.

August Special Events

Opening Reception, Fri 8/2/24, 5:30-8:30 p.m.

A celebration of the great unveiling! 

How Art Changes our Brains, Sun 8/4/24, 2:15-3:30 p.m.

Is art a luxury for the few, or a key part of a self-care diet? 

Arrive on time for this interactive session with psychologist Sean Halloran. 


Artists’ Gathering, Sun, 8/25/24, 2:30-4:00 p.m.

A time for connecting, sharing, and talking shop! 


The Last Hurrah, Fri, 8/30/24, 5:30-8:30 p.m.

All good things must end some day!

Artist Bio

I was the youngest of nine in a Dutch immigrant family, growing up on a sprawling dairy farm in Los Angeles, with pastures as far as the eye could see, surrounded with all things Dutch.

European-ness is in me.

I started college as an art major, but then got involved in helping minority language communities. I spent a year in Switzerland learning French on my way to West Africa, my home for 18 years. I lived in villages, developed friendships with people very different from myself, learned their language and culture, and helped with development and translation.

I left Africa but it will never leave me. Its bold colors and rhythms, earthiness, and laughter are in me.

Africa went through a rash of wars in the post-colonial era. Surrounded by people suffering trauma, I co-authored materials to help people heal from their own wounds and be able to help others.

Stories of atrocious suffering and incredible healing are in me: I'm an eyewitness.

Having spent my career understanding how verbal communication works, I'm happy to get back to my first love, and am curious about visual communication: why is it so emotive and memorable? How is it that it helps us flourish?

I’m one of the “Artists of Phoenixville,” associated with Phoenixville since 2015. My work has appeared in juried shows in Texas and PA, and in print in the Phoenixville Art Mag.

I’m a wife, mother, and grandmother. I enjoy cooking, writing, reading, connecting with friends, walking, and watching plants grow.

Artist Statement

My work is all about vibrant color, bold designs, clean lines, luscious thick paint.

It’s a little crazy, a lot of fun, mostly bright and cheerful. An occasional crazy cow betrays my dairy-roots. And more than one person has seen an African influence in my work.

My paintings are about the inner universe—things not seen with no external reference to go by! It’s an adventure full of surprising discoveries as I get to know myself better.

I intentionally strive for flat paintings, with no attempt to create an illusion of 3D. Maybe this is rooted in my Dutch preference for frank honesty with little regard for subtlety. (Rest assured, I can do 3D).

Swirls with juxtaposed bold colors show up in a lot of my paintings, as well as abstract geometric shapes.

My process is to get quiet in my studio and listen for the inner voice--anything from a little nudge to a loud shout. It starts with color, then line and shape. I follow the voice, going where it guides. And gradually a painting takes shape. I photograph it and the tiny version on my phone helps me see it in a new way. Sometimes I try out ideas on my iPad using ProCreate. I fiddle until I feel satisfied with a painting. Sometimes this happens quickly, other times it takes days, weeks, or even years.

My message is one of hope, joy, and laughter, knowing that love wins out over all else, no matter what life throws us. There is a lot I still don’t understand about life, but I know I am loved and that’s enough.

As I’m becoming more connected with my inner self, I’m flourishing as a person, able to be more present to make my unique contribution to others.


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